Environmental Equipment Sales, Supplies and General Contracts

  • Environmental Impact and Risk Assessments

Eco City offers a full range of environmental assessment services to the corporate and public sector which include:

  • Environmental Impact Assessments – Environmental impact assessments incorporate primary and secondary data to evaluate potential environmental and socio-economic impacts from proposed project activities. As part of the EIA process Eco City outlines preventive and mitigation measures for potentially significant impacts and designs a protection and management plan to ensure compliance with existing legislation and company directives.
  • Risk Assessment – Risk assessment methodologies have been developed to provide a structured approach to the analysis of safety hazards. By their nature, they allow a systematic assessment of the management options to minimize the risk to workers and the public. This approach is also used to assess the risks to the environment by determining the impacts both of planned activities (e.g., emissions and discharges) and unplanned events (e.g., chemical spills). In this way, the risks from each stage of a project development can be assessed and systems for their management put in place.
  • Social Impact Assessment – SIA is a process for identifying, evaluating and managing positive and negative consequences of development to affected human populations. Eco City regularly conducts SIAs in advance of project implementation as an integral part of the EIA process.

Environmental Monitoring – We offer a complete monitoring service for air, water, soil and groundwater quality. Eco City specializes in the design of scientifically defensible, cost-effective monitoring programs. Our expertise pays special attention to aspects of quality control and quality assurance from sample collection through to laboratory analysis to ensure all data are valid.


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March 11, 2020