Environmental Management Systems

Eco City helps develop and implement this valuable tool for clients seeking compliance with international standards, local regulations and corporate policy. An EMS states the company’s environmental policy and details its environmental guidelines and programs, often as a preliminary step in pursuing ISO 14001 designation.

  • Environmental Awareness Training – as organizations are beginning to realize environmental awareness serves as a basis to achieve further environmental and operational goals, Eco City has been active in designing training programs to provide participants with clear understanding of industrial operations and processes that have a potential to impact the environment. The premise of these training programs is to minimize environmental impacts through effective management.
  • Site Assessment and RemediationDue diligence audits – In acquiring a site or facility, it is essential that investors protect themselves during the due diligence phase by identifying potential environmental liabilities left undisclosed by the vendor or previous owner. A Pre-acquisition Audit can provide investors and managers with a full understanding of whether or not the facility or property under consideration meets their own corporate requirements, local guidelines, or international standards.
  • Site Assessment – any type of subsurface investigation to determine the environmental quality of the site, including drilling, soil and groundwater sampling and analysis, plume delineation, bench-scale testing; pilot-scale testing, etc.
  • Remediation – once contamination of the site has been established, we can evaluate remediation alternatives for the client and conduct full-scale or limited clean-up of contaminated sediments; groundwater and soils. Some of the remediation techniques used include soil excavation, in situ bioremediation, ex situ remediation, reactive capping and “pump-and-treat” groundwater systems.
  • Land-Use and Pollution Modeling – where appropriate, Eco City uses land-use and pollution models in environmental assessments to allowing facility operators/managers and real estate developers the opportunity to create accurate “what-if” scenarios prior to making final investment or location decisions. Modeling also provides a valuable planning tool for managers concerned with the by-products of industrial processes by accurately predicting the potential impacts caused by airborne or water-borne effluents.
  • Environmental and Natural Resource ManagementNatural Resources and Environmental Management is a systems approach to managing natural resources and the environment. Eco City has been involved in numerous program planning, development, implementation and evaluation of programs, development of methodologies for strategic planning and evaluation, diagnostic studies of natural resources and environmental issues within and outside Nigeria.
  • Environmental, Health and Safety Services – The issue of occupational health and safety and environmental compliance in industrial facilities is of fundamental concern to firms with a multi-national character, with international brand-name recognition and reputations at stake. Eco City help develop, update or use an existing corporate EMS to identify whether the established standards are met. Based on the findings, we can offer recommendations for further action and improvement.

Our full range of EHS services includes:

  • EHS Audits (Occupational Health and Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Environmental compliance)
  • Development of HSE Manuals
  • EHS Regulatory Registers (country-customized)
  • CHRA (Chemical Health Risk Assessment)
  • EHS Risk Management
  • Emergency Spill Response and First Aid
  • HAZOP (Hazard Operability Studies)
  • Occupational Health and Safety Testing
  • Chemical Awareness and Recognizing Hazards
  • EHS Tutorials
  • Regional Label Requirements for Hazardous Chemicals
  • Warehousing consultation and management

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March 11, 2020