About Us

Eco City & Resources Management Limited is a leading environmental consulting company solving a wide range of challenges for its private sector clients as well as government and non-government organizations in Nigeria and beyond. Our team consists of environmental, social and health professionals. We provide comprehensive consulting services with proven international experience, expertise and project management capabilities. In order to maintain our leading role, we invest in fundamental and applied research on an ongoing basis.

Our environmental expertise has the greatest added value in projects where we are brought in early at the design stage as a partner to the client. But we also seek to apply environmentally friendly working methods and techniques in executing our projects and contracts.

Eco City & Resources Management Ltd promotes sustainability in our business and in our community through the ongoing development of environmentally responsible business practices and consulting services. Our goal is to integrate environmentally responsible consulting into the framework of each client’s project to maximize value and reduce the environmental footprint. We are committed to contributing to the economic and environmental growth of the communities in which we work.


We lead by example


We work together


We respect the individual


We seek the facts and provide insight


We are open and honest in our communication


We are committed to our communities and


Above all, we act with integrity.


As an organization that promotes self-sustaining resilient structure and function of natural ecosystems, Eco City aspires to work with the world’s leading organizations, delivering innovative solutions and helping them to understand and manage their sustainability challenges.

Consult. Manage . Equipment

We are a global provider of environmental, health, safety, risk, social consulting services and sustainability related services.

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